Bill Bogner is an Atlanta based actor. In 2019, after a career that included being an academic for almost thirty years, Bill returned full time to being an actor. Since then, he has appeared in several short and feature films, as well as doing commercial and industrial work. In Atlanta, Bill studies at the Catapult Acting Studios where he has worked with Joe Massingill, Jared Woffard, Carole Kaboya, Vivi Sanchez, Christen Sharice and Clifton Guterman, and at Drama, Inc. where he has studied with Claire Bronson and Scott Poythress. Bill, his wife, Pam, and their soft-coated Wheaten Terrier, Rosie, live in Chamblee, GA.


Feature Films

Four Amigos - Day Player (Officer Bill) - Jason Park, Dir. Hatpatude Productions

Table Read - Day Player (Dr. Carey Parker) - Gregory Siegel, Dir. Unidentified Films

God of Dreams - Day Player (President of the United States) - Jurian Isabelle, Dir. Isabelle Brothers Studio

Table Read - Into Obscurity - Day Player (Carey Parker) - Gregory Siegel, Dir. Unidentified Films

Nine - Day Player (Board Member) - Jurian Isabelle, Dir. Isabelle Brothers Studio

She's a Princess - Day Player (Butler Worthsworth) - Jimmy Kustes, Dir. Ice Beer Milk Productions

Short Films

I Am A Gotdamn Comedy Writer - Supporting (Therapist) - Brian Lucear, Dir. Vintage 1977 Production (In Production)

The Pulp Night Club - Day Player (Nelson Levington) - Steven Coard, Dir. Steven-Leva Coard Production Studios

Gehenna Day Player (John) - Tequoia Sebrina, Dir. Magnolia Tree Productions

Student Films for Savannah College of Art & Design

Teenage Wasteland - Day Player (House Guest) - Josh Prem, Dir.

Two Hearted River - Supporting (Robert) - Robert Castle, Dir.

(Paragons of) Virtue - Supporting (Holden Hankel) - Leandro Tapia, Dir.

Sunflowers - Day Player (Farmer Peterson) - Nguyen Ho, Dir.

The Lifeguards - Day Player (Jerry-Creepy Man) - Ellen Lis, Dir.


Pearlman Acting Academy, Los Angeles, CA (Online)

"Advanced Class" (Fall 2022 - Ongoing)
Instructor: Annie Chang

On Camera Workouts, New Orleans, LA (Online)

"Core Audition Training" (Summer 2022 - Ongoing)
Instructor: James Dumont

Catapult Acting Studios, Atlanta, GA

"Adult On-Camera" Multiple courses (Winter, Spring and Summer 2020, Fall 2021)
Instructors: Joe Massingill, Vivi Chavez, and Jared Wofford

"Film Scene Study - Intermediate" (Fall 2020, Spring 2021)
Instructor: Jared Wofford

“Adult Improv” (Winter 2021)
Instructor: Ibanez Downtain

“Audition Techniques for TV and Film 1” (Winter 2022)
Instructor: Clifton Guterman

“Advanced Actors Lab” (Summer 2022)
Instructor: Diana Lovell

“Audition Tech. for TV and Film 2” (Fall 2022)
Instructor: Clifton Guterman

Drama Inc., Atlanta, GA

“Script Analysis and Scene Study” (Winter 2022)
Instructors: Claire Bronson and Scott Poythress

“Improv for the Actor” (Spring 2022)
Instructors: Tara Ochs

Workshops, Private Coaching, and Training

Facilitators: Carole Kaboya, Dexter Masland, Jami Rudofski


Height: 5’10”

Weight: 165 lbs

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown


Please select a button below to navigate to studio scene work and a 2022 reel showcasing my best roles.